Nassau County Volleyball Officials - Home Page

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Interested in becoming a Certified Volleyball Official?


NVO, Inc.  is a board/chapter of NYSCVOA.  We conduct

instructional classes, training/rating clinics and administer

written and practical exams to certify both new and veteran

officials.  There are minimum standards every official must meet

to remain a member of our association.  Only those officials in

good standing are permitted to receive assignments, as required

by our contract with the NYSPHSAA Inc.  If interested in becoming

a Certified New York State High School volleyball official in Nassau

County, please contact:

New York State Certified Volleyball Officials Association (

Include your name, address, cell and home #'s, and please list your officiating experience.                       



Questions regarding the website?  Please contact:


REMINDER:  If you turn back a match for any reason, make sure that the "Turn Back / Rating Appeal Form" (under Forms) is sent in within 5 days of your cancellation.  If you have additional documentation, that can be sent in afterward.


***Both Boys' and Girls' center line violations (interference/encroachment) follow the same rulings!


2023-2024 Nassau County has been issued a countywide waiver by the State that reads:

The Volleyball warm-up time will be:
15 minutes shared on the visible clock when the visiting team arrives, then 6 minutes - visiting team followed by 6 minutes - home team.
The 15 minutes on the clock can start before the officials arrive.

Since this is a county wide waiver, it is not necessary for an official to ask for this waiver to be presented courtside.


2023-2024 SUBSTITUTES are NOT allowed to celebrate in the service zone.  Verbal warning first and a team delay thereafter. 


NYS APPROVED: Add a Spectator Sportsmanship Regulation to the NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Rule. (From NYSPHSAA)

Approved: Use of derogatory or racially explicit language; discriminatory harassment or bias conduct that creates a hostile environment that is disruptive to the educational environment. Spectators shall not be permitted to use vulgar/offensive or racially/culturally insensitive language or engage in any racially/culturally insensitive action. NYSPHSAA Sections may sanction, censure or place schools on probation that fail to address derogatory or inappropriate behavior deemed harmful to physical or mental well-being for those involved in interscholastic activities. (From NYSPHSAA)

If you have spectator issues at a district, please notify your board chair immediately. If a spectator is in violation of the behavior/s above, notify a site supervisor. The supervisor (or host coach) will address the behavior/s immediately, if you must ask for the spectator/s to be spoken to again, red card the home team per NCAA rules and



Warning—For minor unsporting offenses such as inappropriately addressing opponents, spectators or officials, shouting and disrupting the conduct of the set, a warning (individual yellow card) is assessed by the first referee and is recorded on the scoresheet. A second minor offense during the same set by the same team member results in a penalty (individual red card). 

Penalty—For rude, offensive conduct, a second minor offense or other serious offenses, a penalty (individual red card) is assessed by the first referee and is recorded on the scoresheet. A penalty automatically results in a loss of rally by the offending team and a point for the opponent. A second act warranting a penalty to the same team member during the same set results in disqualification.

Disqualification—Any simulated, attempted or actual physical aggression toward officials, opponents, other team members or spectators. Extremely offensive conduct or repeated rude conduct toward officials, opponents, other team members or spectators during a match results in the disqualification of the team member for the remainder of the current match and that team’s entire next match (red and yellow cards held apart), and is recorded on the scoresheet. Additionally, a disqualification automatically results in a loss of the rally by the offending team and a point for the opponent.



***Small hoop earrings in the nose and/or ear are NOT PERMITTED!***



2023-2024 Boys & Girls JV Protocol:

All 3 sets are played to 25 points.  Must win by 2.

  • If teams are split after the second set 

  Do NOT switch sides

  Call the Team Representative

  Coin toss for serve, receive or side

  Switch at 13 points

  • If the same team wins both sets

  Do not switch sides

  Losing team serves first

  Do not change sides at 13 points


We are back to normal procedures prior to Covid.  There is NO STANDING IN FRONT OR BEHIND THE TEAM BENCH.  If a team bench has extended past the end line, players may stand in front at the end line.




Reminder on some protocols 


LINESPERSON – the home school does not provide Linespersons; each school has their own Linesperson - they will start on the opposite teams corner and stay there throughout the match.   Linepersons may be substituted in to play if necessary.

LIBEROS - 2 Liberos are used by BOYS' only.  The replacement player may replace and be replaced by either libero.  The acting libero can only be replaced by the player whom he replaced (for that position) or by the second libero.  The two liberos cannot be on the court at the same time.

GAME BALLS – should be 2-4 Game balls for each set. If school can not provide 4 than you can go with 2. (All the balls have to be the same.)

LIBERO SUBSTITUTIONS – enter the court from the sideline between the Attack line and in front of the End line.

R1 or R2 – the protocol is to talk to your partner to decide who will work as R1 or R2. Do not automatically assume you are R2.  A coin toss can be a helpful decision maker as long as your the same rating.



(updated 7/17/2024)


2024-2025 Meetings Posted under meetings

Official Recruitment Incentive Plan ($100.00) under Forms

Official Incentive Plan ($200.00) under Forms

Sportsmanship Form under FORMS

NYS Training Module Link under LINKS


Sportsmanship Update on Home Page

YELLOW Card is in effect 2023-2024

NVO Operating Code Posted under Links






Questions regarding official mechanics or an interpretation of a volleyball rule?

Contact: Daniel, the NVO rules interpreter at