Quick Notes

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Boys Net: 7' 11 5/8"

Girls Net Height: 7' 4 1/8"

Middle School Boys Net Height: 7' 4 1/8"

Middle School Girls Net Height: 7' 0"

Girls Timeout:  75 seconds

Boys Timeout:  60 Seconds

Check to make sure net is safe (some use noodles on lower cables)


Boys & Girls Varsity: 

Play 3 out of 5 sets, Sets 1-4 play to 25, switching sides after each set.  The 5th set is played to 15 points switching at 8 points (If playing the 5th set, do not switch after the 4th set, call captains and do a coin toss).


Boys & Girls JV Protocol:

All 3 sets are played to 25 points.  Must win by 2.

  • If teams are split after the second set 

  Do NOT switch sides

  Call the Team Representative

  Coin toss for serve, receive or side

  Switch at 13 points

  • If the same team wins both sets

  Do not switch sides

  Losing team serves first

  Do not change sides at 13 points


New 2022 Year: 

When the ball is out of play, only the head coach from each team may address the referees for the purpose of quickly clarifying a non-judgmental rule or requesting a challenge. Any coach (See Rule may confirm the number of timeouts or substitutions their team has used, request a substitution, lineup check or timeout.

All jewelry must be removed, except small, secured articles like post or stud piercings. Articles of jewelry below the chin are not permitted. String bracelets, commemorative bracelets and body jewelry are considered jewelry and not permitted. Taping over earrings or other jewelry is not permitted.

Correctable Error:

If incorrect information provided by the officials regarding substitutions, timeouts, challenges used or lineup checks immediately leads to a related fault, it is a correctable error. For example, Team A asks for a lineup check and is told that player #5 is the next server. Immediately after #5 serves the ball, the scorer states that Team A has had an incorrect server (#7 should have been the correct server). Team A has not committed a fault; the rally should be replayed with #7 serving.


Improper Request:  Hand on opposite wrist on offending teams side (recorded on the scoresheet)

Second improper request:  Is a Team delay, yellow card on opposite wrist on offending teams side (recorded on the scoresheet)

First Team Delay:  Yellow card on opposite wrist on offending teams side (recorded on the scoresheet)

Second Team Delay:  Red card on opposite wrist on offending teams side (recorded on the scoresheet) LOSS OF RALLY, POINT FOR OPPONENT

***NEW 2023:  Warning—For minor unsporting offenses such as inappropriately addressing opponents, spectators or officials, shouting and disrupting the conduct of the set, a warning (individual yellow card) is assessed by the first referee and is recorded on the scoresheet. A second minor offense during the same set by the same team member results in a penalty (individual red card). 

Penalty—For rude, offensive conduct, a second minor offense or other serious offenses, a penalty (individual red card) is assessed by the first referee and is recorded on the scoresheet. A penalty automatically results in a loss of rally by the offending team and a point for the opponent. A second act warranting a penalty to the same team member during the same match results in disqualification.  LOSS OF RALLY, POINT FOR OPPONENT

Disqualification—Any simulated, attempted or actual physical aggression toward officials, opponents, other team members or spectators. Extremely offensive conduct or repeated rude conduct toward officials, opponents, other team members or spectators during a match results in the disqualification of the team member for the remainder of the current match and that team’s entire next match (red and yellow cards held apart), and is recorded on the scoresheet. Additionally, a disqualification automatically results in a loss of the rally by the offending team and a point for the opponent.  LOSS OF RALLY, POINT FOR OPPONENT 



A teammate may not complete an attack-hit when, at the moment of the attack-hit, the ball is entirely above the top of the net and the ball is coming from an overhand finger pass by a libero in the front zone or the opponent’s free zone. (See Signal 24, Official’s Mechanics, then indicate the libero.) The ball may be freely attacked if the libero makes the same action from behind the front zone. If airborne, the libero’s position is judged according to the point of last contact with her team’s court.

The Libero in the front zone sets the ball with an overhand fingertip pass while below the height of the net.  The ball goes over the net.  This is legal.

The Libero in the front zone sets the ball with an overhand fingertip pass when the ball and Libero's hands are entirely above the height of the net.  The ball goes over the net.  This is illegal.

SITUATION:  The Team S libero sets the ball using an overhand finger pass while in the front zone.  Player S3 attacks the ball, but contact is made when the ball is not entirely higher than the top of the net.  The attacked ball crosses to the opponent’s playing area. RULING: No fault has been committed.  The libero’s action did not result in an illegal attack because S3 did not contact the ball while it was entirely higher than the top of the net.  If S3 had attacked the ball while it was entirely higher than the top of the net, the referee would rule an illegal attack after the attack is completed (completely crosses the net or is legally blocked by an opponent) and indicate the libero with an extended open hand. (See Rule

SITUATION:  The libero for Team S is in the front zone and receives the opponent’s attack-hit with both fists closed above her head.  The ball rebounds from her hands to a front-row teammate, who contacts the ball while it is entirely higher than the top of the net and sends it to the opponent’s side.   RULING: The play is legal.  The libero is only restricted from using actual “finger action” when setting in the front zone.  If, in the referee’s judgment, the libero’s contact is with the knuckles, the back of the hand, or the fists, the play is not considered to be an “overhand finger pass." (See Rule

If a team is going to use 2 libero players, the Coach must designate 2 liberos on the first set of the lineup sheet, even if they will only use one libero for the first set. Otherwise, only one libero maybe used for the rest of the match.  The 2 libero players may be changed from set to set.  In a 5 set match potentially a team may designate 10 libero players.  Either libero can serve during the set. The scorer will use a triangle when either libero serves.  Only one libero may be on the court at any time.

The first time the libero serves in the set the scorer draws a triangle around the position (serving order column). Both libero players must serve from the same position maintaining the same service order.


Yelling During a Serve

As long as they are yelling prior to them serving the ball they can yell (except names and numbers). If it is absolute quiet and at the moment the server jumps to serve the ball and they scream, that is illegal.


Player's Position

At the time the ball is contacted for the serve, each team must be completely within its own team court (except the server in position No. 1 on the serving team).  The front row players may have their foot on the center line but it cannot be over the center line at the time the serve is contacted.  

*****FROM THE STATE:  NCAA RULE 10.3 AT THE TIME THE BALL IS CONTACTED FOR SERVE, EACH TEAM MUST BE COMPLETELY WITHIN IT'S OWN TEAM COURT (except for the server)*****. This ruling is also listed on the State website under the Rotation and Scoring Module.

Click to view Ruling